Designed with the ancient Musqueam principles of inclusivity and respect, leləm̓ is a contemporary community, imbued with the meaning of home.
This is the story of leləm̓.
málqeles stámés
something forgotten
Our cities are impressive. We build bigger, better, faster, confident that we are sophisticated in our knowledge and our ability.
Yet, somewhere along the way, we have forgotten something.
collective community
We begin with community: not just a gathering of people, but a collective whole in which friend literally means family. At leləm̓, every park, trail, plaza and public space is designed to foster connection, to build and sustain true community.

honour the land
We begin with nature. leləm̓ is on land that the Musqueam have stood on for thousands of years. It is imbued with the soul of their people. It is alive with the stories of their past. At leləm̓, we seek to preserve this incredible landscape, and to honour it by weaving it into our daily existence.