a way of life
The Musqueam people have inhabited this land for thousands of years. Now, they invite people from all walks of life to experience the meaning of home at leləm̓. Connection to nature, an enriched sense of community, and a living relationship with ancestry guide the Musqueam way of life, and have informed the conception of this very special community.

Musqueam Capital Corporation
Musqueam Capital Corporation (MCC) is the economic development arm of the Musqueam Indian Band, managing real estate holdings, partnerships, and the development of Musqueam lands. MCC’s mission is to contribute to building a vibrant community in Musqueam through successful economic development that will benefit the community today and for many years into the future, in ways that are in keeping with Musqueam’s values.

Musqueam Indian Band
Although a metropolitan city has developed in the heart of Musqueam territory, the Musqueam community is strong and flourishing near the mouth of the Fraser River, with over a thousand members maintaining strong traditional and cultural beliefs. The Musqueam people traditionally used the resources the land provided for fishing, hunting, trapping and gathering to maintain their livelihood. Today, the Musqueam still use these resources for economic and traditional purposes. Community historians and educators pass on Musqueam history to the community, which has always been the way of the Musqueam people.