We invite you to visit @museumofvan for a screening of the film “c̓əsnaʔəm, the city before the city”, exploring the living culture of the Musqueam people and their ancestral and unceded territory now known as metro Vancouver.

təmtem (When?) August 9th, 2018 (7:00PM)
niʔ ʔəncə (Where?) MOV – 1100 Chestnut Street

For a direct link to purchase tickets, visit our facebook page: @lelemliving .
#mov #museumofvancouver #museum #filmscreening #exhibition #culture #history #territory #roots #language #vancouverevents #vancouver #vancouverre #vancouverrealestate #development #newdevelopment #vancouver #vancouverbc #vancouverrealtor #coastalliving #community #musqueam #lelem #lelemliving
